Ability Chiropractic
Del-Co Water Co.
Virtual Health Expo


Welcome to Ability Chiropractic!

We seek to provide the highest level of chiropractic care possible through continuing education for ourselves as physicians and general education for our patients. Every member of our practice should have the knowledge they need to feel more comfortable making decisions about their health while avoiding the necessity of pain medications or surgery.

Every person in our Ability Chiropractic family—our practice members and employees—has the power to change another person’s life by sharing and teaching the basic principle of chiropractic, that your body heals itself constantly. Chiropractic adjustments enhance the body’s natural ability to heal itself, creating the best opportunity for you to fight any illness, infirmity, or disease.

Find us on:


Ability Chiropractic

634 N. State Street
Westerville, OH 43082
(p) 614.901.9355
(e) jacob@abilitychiro.com
Jacob Harshfield, DC

P  (614) 888-9355
F  (614) 888-9356
8311 North High Street
Columbus, Ohio 43235

P  (614) 907-9355
170 W. Olentangy St.
Powell, Ohio 43065

Lewis Center
P (614) 468-9355
F (740) 410-0608
6329 Pullman Dr.
Lewis Center, OH 43035

P  (614) 475-9355
F  (614) 475-9353
309 S Hamilton Rd
Gahanna, OH 43230

Our Website:
Ability Chiropractic

Contact Us Below

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